Nathan Green, 22, is bright young man with a bright future. When he’s not balloon twisting for Balloonaversal, he’s working as a teacher’s aid at a local special school. Nathan has had a passion to help young people with special needs since his family took on a special needs foster child 14 years ago.
Jack (pseudo name) quickly became a part of the family and stayed with them for 5 years until he succumb to his illness sadly passing away. This experience left an indelible impression on Nathan and his two older brothers. Still living with his parents and middle brother, they still take in and look after foster children providing them with a loving environment.
As Nathan is one of our talented advanced balloon twisters, being naturally artistic and possessing a flair for performing, he is a popular choice when it comes to kids parties and event entertainment. Always smiling, always positive this well spoken young man brings cheer and fun where ever he goes. It’s an absolute pleasure to introduce him to you and to have him as a part of our team.