How To Make Balloon Animals
Making balloon animals is a must for any kids party performer. Balloon animals stand on their own as the main party entertainment with guests to taking them home to enjoy. Making balloon animals seems like a difficult craft to master, but all it takes is a bit of practice to make the most basic balloon art. Let’s face it, you can’t simply blow up a balloon and pass it off as a snake every time.
Let’s Start
Balloon animals are made from long balloons called modeling balloons, not the round birthday balloons, but some creations do incorporate round balloons into the design. There are several sizes 160’s, 260’s, 360’s and 660’s with the 260’s being the most used and you will need a balloon pump – these balloons aren’t easy to blow up without some practice. Start with one long balloon, blow it up three quarters of the way, and tie off the end. Pinch an inflated part of the balloon between your thumb and forefinger to form a gap between the pockets of air. Now twist the gap gently to hold the gap in place.
Balloon Doggy
Step 1: Pump balloon up, leaving approx 10 – 12 cm un-inflated.
Twist 3 x 6cm bubbles in a row, fold in half at the 2nd twist so that you have bubble #2 & #3 side by side, twist lock those two together. Congratulations you have made the head and ears.
Step 2: Twist a 4cm bubble then a 10cm bubble and another 10cm bubble. Repeat the above, fold at the 2nd twist and twist lock bubble #2 & #3. Congratulations you now have added the neck and two front legs.
Step 3: Repeat step 2 to make the back and two back legs. The remaining balloon becomes the tail. You may need to organize the doggy’s body so that his head is facing forwards and all the legs are pointing down.
Stopping The Balloon From Untwisting
There are multiple ways to connect the segments and make shapes, but the important part is to not allow the balloon to become untwisted by holding it in place as you create the desired shape. This may take some practice. The most basic twist consists of folding two balloon segments together and twisting them in one direction. Creating multiple segments and connecting them by this basic twist creates a dog or a sword, which are what most balloon animal twisters started with.
To Do (it yourself) Or Not To Do
Start practicing for your child’s next birthday party and add a little extra magic in the mix. Don’t be discouraged if you can’t make anything on your first try. Older children can easily learn how to do this and impress their friends, but younger children may become frightened if the balloon pops. For more complex balloon art designs, call in a professional balloon twister – someone like Mr Balloonatic or one of Balloonaversal’s amazing Balloon Twisting Team. You’ll be amazed by how much they can do with this simple party decoration.
Make an inquiry about Balloonaversal’s Super Pro Balloon Twisting parties or call (03) 8669 1303