Party Planning Made Easy with the 4 Step Party Planning Framework
Party Planning isn’t necessarily everyone’s special talent, some of us excel at planning and organizing things, some of us find the whole process quite daunting.
Either way here are some of my top strategies for getting your child’s birthday party organized with the least amount of stress and fuss and in half the time.
Introducing my 4 Step Party Planning Framework that I want to share with mums or dads who are wanting to organise not just any old standard kids party, but something that will be a truly special family event that supports building strong family bonds and happy family memories for years to come. This comes from all my years of kids party entertaining experience and organising our own children’s, family and friend’s parties.
Click the button below to DOWNLOAD your Party Planning Tool Kit
Download The Party Planning Tool Kit - The 4 Step Party Planning Framework. These pages are supporting resources from our book The Kids Party Survival Guide For Busy Parents (soon to be available from Amazon and our website).
How To Use Your Tool Kit
These sheets list out just about everything you need to do, however some of these won’t be relevant depending on what type of party you are organizing – a DIY, a DWY (Done With You – where some of the party aspect is outsourced, entertainment, photography or food) or a DFY (Done For You party – your event manager/party planner kindly takes the reins and gets the whole job done). You should be able to alter these sheets as you need.

- 1Mapping. This should only take you around 10 minutes. The guest list is on this page, but wait till the Step 2, 3, 4 to add the names.
- 2Planning. (Steps 2, 3 and 4 are all on the one sheet) The Planning step – If you were going to organize all this in one step, it would take maybe an hour possibly more if you have a specific theme and older kids. Use the right side of the sheet and note down ideas, service providers, helpers, shopping lists – anything that is relevant. If you need to make a more detailed note, create another page, number it and make reference to it in the Page # column. You will ignore the 3 Months Before, 1 Week Before dates during this process.
- 3Organising. This step is spread out between when you begin and the actual party. Your details Step 2 Planning Sheet should make this next step flow nice and easy. Now you use the ‘3 Months Before, 1 Week Before dates as a guide to when to get what you need done, done. Tick the Done column on the far right side when there isn’t anything left to do with this item.
- 4Party Day. This should now be easy. You would have created a party schedule or running sheet for the day by now. Make sure you have a couple of those printed off and have one stuck on the fridge door or somewhere where all who are helping for the day can refer to it. Work from your sheet and enjoy your day as much as your daughter or son (and guests).
Get The Kids Party Planning Book Today
You've downloaded the Party Planning Tool Kit, now get our book that goes with it - The Kids Party Planning Guide For Busy Parents - How to Create Cherished Family Memories Through Unforgettable Kids Parties.
For more information on the book and how to order, click here.