Adopt A Pony Pony Leasing

Adopt a pony pony leasing

How To Lease A Pony

If you’ve ever considered buying a pony for the kids, but balked at the time it takes to look after a large animal … or the cost to get started ... or ongoing expense ...

Or love the idea of giving your kids an AMAZING experience?

Then Balloonaversal's Adopt-A-Pony program might be an awesome opportunity for you and your kids to experience what it's like to own a pony through leasing.

We have 23 perfect kids ponies (and now 2 horses), all beautifully experienced and quiet around children because of course, the’re all kids party ponies!  Some of the ponies including the 2 horses, are perfect for the kids with riding experience.

The Adopt A Pony pony leasing arrangement affords families a fun and exciting way to spend quality time together, strengthening family bonds while being outside with ponies. It’s the perfect opportunity to experience pony ownership without a large financial outlay or taking up 6 or 7 days a week.

Many children and adults find being around ponies calming and very therapeutic, in fact we have several families utilising their NDIS funding this way.  Several of our mini ponies work as Animal Assisted Therapy ponies, read some more about this 🙂

The best thing about Adopt A Pony Pony Leasing is:

  1. 1
    No hunting high and low to purchase a genuinely quiet, safe and reliable children's pony (budget $4000 - $10,000)
  2. 2
    Don’t worry about finding a place to keep the pony (agistment), they will stay with us in Doreen.
  3. 3
    No need to purchase any of the necessary equipment (tack) needed to own a pony because we have it.
  4. 4
    You don’t even have the responsibility of veterinary care or day to day maintenance – feeding, rugging etc, we do that every day.

What's Also Available To You?

Beautiful trails are available so that you can lead the kids out, as well as gardens and a kids playground with a safe Springfree trampoline, Common Room with tea/coffee, fridge and microwave.

Access to the professional equestrian facilities – horse wash, indoor/outdoor tie up areas, dressage arena, round yard, show jumps and trail riding with cross country logs for jumping.

The option to book 45 min Riding Lessons – $50 (yes, only $50).  Mid week only.

Affordable?  Sure Is

Our monthly adopt a pony pony lease fee is less than the cost of our usual agistment fees, so agistment and lease are rolled into one.  No other fees to worry about except booking in a riding lessons if you choose.

Adopt a Pony pony for lease

Other Information

  • The cost of kid’s riding lessons from a riding school is anywhere from $75 – $120 per lesson.
  • A trail ride for an hour or so is probably the same if not more.
  • Use your NDIS funding - ponies are wonderfully therapeutic.

And you don't get that same personal interaction with the pony like when you own or lease one - you really develop a bond with your animal.

Ponies Available for Adopt A Pony Pony Leasing (updated 27/2/25)

Pony Leasing Melbourne


Height:  13 hands

Colour:  Buckskin

Breed:  Welsh Pony Section B x Australian Pony

Mare (female)

Suitable Rider Age:  Kids 10+ with riding experience


Jack welsh mountain pony


Height:  12 hands

Colour:  Bay

Breed:  Welsh Mountain Pony

Sex:  Gelding (desexed male)

Suitable Rider Age:  Kids 7 – 11 good for beginners


Adopt A Pony pony leasing


Height:  13 hands

Colour:  Chestnut

Breed:  Pony

Sex:  Mare (female)

Suitable Rider Age:  Kids 10 + & good for beginners


unicorn for lease melbourne


Height:  11.1 hands

Colour:  White

Breed:  Welsh Mountain Pony

Sex:  Mare (female)

Suitable Rider Age:  Kids 6 – 11


Lease a pony


Height:  12h hands

Colour:  Palomino

Breed:  Welsh Pony Section B

Sex:  Mare (female)

Suitable Rider Age:  Kids 10 - 12


adopt a pony


Height:  9.2 hands

Colour:  Pale Palomino

Breed:  Shetland Pony x Miniature Pony

Sex:  Gelding

Suitable Rider Age:  Kids 4 – 7


horse and pony lease


Height:  9.3 hands

Colour:  Bay

Breed:  Shetland Pony

Sex:  Mare

Suitable Rider Age:  Kids 4 – 8


Pony Rides


Height:  10.2 hands

Colour:  Silver Taffy

Breed:  Shetland Pony

Sex:  Mare

Suitable Rider Age:  Kids 6 – 9


Adopt A Pony - Black pony

Bailey (Little Bailey)

Height:  12.2 hands

Colour:  Jet Black

Breed:  Welsh B x Riding Pony (Show Pony)

Sex:  Gelding

Suitable Rider Age:  Kids 11+ keen, with riding experience


adopt a pony pony lease


Height:  10.2 hands

Colour:  Black

Breed:  Shetland Pony

Sex:  Mare

Suitable Rider Age: Kids 5 – 9


Pony Party


Height:  9 hands

Colour:  Golden Palomino

Breed:  Miniature Horse

Sex:  Gelding

Suitable Rider Age:  Kids 3 – 5


Unicorn Parties


Height:  9.2 hands

Colour:  Blue roan 

Breed:  Miniature Pony 

Sex:  Gelding

Suitable Rider Age:  Kids 3 – 7


Kids Pony Rides


Height:  9 hands

Colour:  Chestnut 

Breed:  Miniature Pony

Sex:  Gelding

Suitable Rider Age:  Kids 3 – 5


Adopt A Pony Shiloh


Height:  12.1 hands

Colour:  Skewbald

Breed:  Cross bred

Sex:  Mare

Suitable Rider Age:  Kids 8 - 12 with some experience


Welsh Mountain Pony - Spirit


Height:  11 hands

Colour:  Bay

Breed:  Welsh Mountain

Sex: Gelding

Suitable Rider Age:  Kids 7 - 11 with some experience

Not Available Yet

Pony Lease Adopt A Pony


Height:  12.1 hands

Colour:  Grey

Breed:  Welsh Mountain 

Sex:  Gelding

Suitable Rider Age:  Kids 8 - 12 with some experience 


Jax Adopt A Pony


Height:  15.3 hands

Colour:  Black

Breed:  Standardbred

Sex:  Gelding

Suitable Rider Age:  14+ confident rider


Animal Assisted Therapy pony lease a pony

Jeremiah - Therapy Pony

Height:  83 cm

Colour:  Dark Brown

Breed:  Miniature Pony

Sex:  Gelding

Not for riding:  Suit Any Age great companion, does tricks


Animal Assisted Therapy pony lease a pony


Height:  14.1 hands

Colour:  Bay

Breed:  Conemarra Pony

Sex:  Gelding

Suitable Rider Age:  14+ confident experienced rider


Animal Assisted Therapy pony lease a pony


Height:  86 cm

Colour:  Palomino Paint

Breed:  Miniature Pony

Sex:  Gelding

Suitable Rider Age:  3 - 5


Animal Assisted Therapy pony lease a pony


Height:  13.2 hands

Colour:  Buckskin

Breed:  Welsh Section B x Riding Pony

Sex:  Mare

Suitable Rider Age:  Experienced Age 13-15 (quiet pony, still green)


Animal Assisted Therapy pony lease a pony


Height:  11.2 hands

Colour:  Strawberry Roan

Breed:   Welsh Mountain Pony

Sex:  Mare

Suitable Rider Age:  10 - 12


Animal Assisted Therapy pony lease a pony

Bailey (Big Bailey)

Height:  15 hands

Colour:  Buckskin

Breed:  Australian Stockhorse

Sex:  Gelding

Suitable Rider Age:  13-16, with experience


Meet the 'Saddle Club'

Independant Adopt A Pony Riders

2021.  From Left to Right:  Shiloh, Jack, Charm, Bonnie, Missy.  These young riders are aged between 10 and 15.  All but 2 learned to ride here and have gone to become confident little riders, 4 upgraded to taller ponies or now have their own horses and are regularly attending pony club rallies and competitions not to mention enjoying new friendships.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need any horse experience?

No. We will show you what to do.

Will you be there to supervise each time?

No. Once we have shown you what you need to know, you will be expected to do this yourself, but we will certainly be available for questions and assistance if necessary.

Do the ponies bite or kick?

Usually not, I only use ponies with very good temperaments suitable for kids parties.

What if I change my mind and don’t want to do the program?

You most definitely can choose not to continue with the program after the first 2 months, however your first 2 month’s fee that you paid up front is non refundable.

What if me or my kids fall in love with the pony, can we buy it?

Nope sorry, we will not be selling our ponies, but we will be happy to assist you in finding a suitable pony for you to purchase if this is what you’d like to do. We do offer agistment for horses and ponies, you may wish to keep yours here providing we have availability.

Do we get to choose the pony we ‘Adopt’?

You can voice your preferences and you may certainly end up with that pony, but I will ultimately be matching ponies to the right people.

If I already own some of my own tack, can I use this instead of your equipment?

Yes, if it fits and is safe to use.

Is there a contract or an agreement to sign?


Do I pay a deposit?

You will be required to pay the first 2 months up front which will be non-refundable. Two months will be just enough time to try this horsey thing out to determine if you’d like to continue or not.

Are You Ready To Find Out More?

Fill in the expression of interest form below. We'll send you what it costs and information on how we can get you started.  We think you're going to be pleasantly surprised